When starting a business overseas, it is always useful for your business to draw upon someone else’s local knowledge. This understanding of the way in which the market operates, along with its customs and idiosyncrasies, can be especially useful when dealing with government bodies and other local businesses.
While doing this is generally a good decision, in some Latin American countries it is compulsory for all companies.
The law in Mexico and Brazil, two of the most attractive countries in the region for foreign investment, requires all companies to appoint a resident legal representative. This is also the case in Chile. The legal representative acts as an intermediary between the company and government and regulatory bodies.
Being resident in the country, the representative is desirable for the government for two primary reasons: i) they are a single, accessible point of contact for the authorities and ii) their resident status gives the government someone against whom enforcement can be made.
However, for entrepreneurs and businesses new to a market, it can sometimes be difficult to find someone willing or suitable to fill this position. As we understand the vital importance of this role to businesses expanding into Mexico, Brazil and Chile, Healy Consultants Group can act as your company’s legal representative in these countries as part of our company set-up services.
As your appointed legal representative, Healy Consultants Group can continue to guide your business’s growth past the incorporation and licensing stage.
Useful Link
South America company incorporation: https://www.healyconsultants.com/americas-incorporation/
To know more about legal representative services, email me at david[at]healyconsultants[dot]com. You can also talk to our experts at +65 60310332 or email at email[at]healyconsultants[dot]com
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